Hold that thought--
Don’t squeeze too tightly--
Let it breathe,
Let it grow.
When it’s too large for your hand,
Find a quiet corner of the mind
Where it will bob to the surface
From time to time,
Keeping you on track
To attain your dream.
Prepare to defend
The nascent dream
When it migrates
From the mind
To the heart:
Do not expose your 8x10 dream
To those who see the world as 3x5--
It won’t fit,
They won’t understand.
They never will.
The dream--
A child, perhaps,
A journey yet to come.
I want to be a fire-walker.
I want to see the Amazon River.
I want to bring something new,
Something never seen before,
Never heard before, into being.
Minutes become hours
Become days, weeks, years.
Time doesn’t matter when you dream:
You get up each day to serve the dream,
Taking one more step,
Make one more decision
Draw one more breath.
A day links to another,
And the chain grows stronger
For the time when it will lift
The finished dream
Upward into the light.
Hold that thought
COPYRIGHT (c) 2010 by the author